10 Signs it’s Time to Outsource Your Marketing in 2020
Every department wants to have a bigger budget for expansion. While expanding all departments and saying yes to budget increase requests might be a dream come true, it isn’t always possible. If you know you need to expand your marketing efforts, but you can’t see how you can afford a full team, continue reading to see if it could be time to outsource your marketing.
You Need to Outsource Your Marketing If You See the Following Signs
If you are thinking of outsourcing, you might need a little bit of a push. If you notice the following signs in your business, then it is time to make a move to outsourcing.
1. Stressed Out Staff
If you require your staff to do work outside of what they were hired for, it is likely they will be stressed. They might feel stressed because they feel they shouldn’t have to do the work or they may be stressed because they aren’t sure how to do the work.
Whatever reason your employees are feeling stressed, they aren’t getting your marketing work done which leads into our next point.
2. Staff With Nothing to Do
When your marketing isn’t done properly, your staff won’t have anything to do because of lack of sales. When your staff doesn’t have enough work, you are spending money on employees that you can’t afford.
3. Your Content Is Lacking
If you look at your website and the content looks thing or isn’t compelling, this is a sure sign that you need a content writer. If you don’t have someone dedicated to writing your content, your voice could vary, and your content might seem a little choppy. Not having a clear voice for your company can confuse your customers and make them look for a company that is more consistent.
4. You Aren’t Bringing In New Leads Continually
If your company isn’t bringing in new leads, your marketing efforts are likely misdirected. One of the best ways to bring in new leads is through inbound marketing. For inbound marketing, you need plenty of great content and outreach to promote that content.
5. Your Website and Logo Are Outdated
When you look at your content, do you feel proud of it and feel like your website is a proper representation of your company? If your website and logo is screaming 1999, you need to give it a facelift. Show your customers you are proud of your company by investing money into it.
If you’ve tried your hand at creating your own logo through photoshop or some other program, it is likely to have went very wrong. Putting out some extra cash to get a high-quality logo and website is important. You should also make sure that your on-page optimization has been updated in this century.
6. Your Paid Advertising Is Failing
If you’ve tried to DIY your advertising through pay per click, the platforms do their best to make it easy for their users. Most people that use these platforms are not marketing experts, so they have algorithms that set the cost per click and other important factors of the campaign.
If you’re letting an algorithm dictate your ad spend, you are spending more money than you need to. These platforms want to take as much money as they possibly can, and you’re giving them the steering wheel. Maybe it is time for another approach by using inbound marketing.
7. You Don’t Have a Social Media Manager or Strategy
If a random employee is taking care of your social media and they are trying to post every day, so your profile doesn’t look dead – this is not a strategy. You need to have a strategy in place for social media, or you won’t get the results that you want. No goal means you won’t have any definition of your success.
8. You Have No Long-term Marketing Goals
As we touched on a little bit above, if you don’t have a strategy in place, your marketing won’t be effective. You need long-term marketing goals to push you forward and keep you on the right path. If you don’t have a dedicated marketing team to set these goals, it is likely that you won’t have any.
Instead of stressing your team out and overwhelming yourself, outsource your marketing to a team that already has everything you need in place. A marketing agency can help you set your marketing goals, and they can help you implement the strategy your company needs, so those goals become a reality.
9. Your Marketing Results Are Disappointing
If you look at your marketing results and can’t see a true ROI, this is a big disappointment. It is hard enough trying to do your own marketing, but when your efforts fail, that is very disheartening.
Instead of dealing with these disappointments, let someone else take the load off of your shoulders. You can use a marketing agency to take care of all of your marketing efforts, and their job is solely to get results.
10. You Aren’t Split Testing
When you are marketing, you always want to do split tests to see what works best. If you don’t know what works best, you could be leaving money on the table. Let’s say you have two landing pages which are called A and B.
You use landing page A and are seeing good results, so you decide to leave it alone, and you keep getting those same results. While these results are good, what you didn’t know is that landing page B would 10 x your results. The point is that if you don’t test your results and do split testing, you will never know if one page is going to perform better than another page.
You can split test with more than landing pages as well. There is plenty to do, and if you have a marketing agency help you, you don’t have to pay a full-time team to do the work.
Take Your Marketing to the Next Level
Don’t keep floundering in shark infested waters on your own. Get the help that you need so your business can get the results it needs from your marketing efforts.